over it

So we just moved house over Easter weekend and now everything is falling apart.
From doctor appointments to dietitian calling to make appointments because of my blood glucose test results. 
Now to a friend want to exchange late Kris Kringle gifts.
Im 24weeks pregnant everything is making me an emotional reck I just want to shut the door and stay home not even go to work. 
I really need my doctor to put me on sick leave like yesterday but can't see him till Friday 😭 I need a holiday from life.
UPDATE this is hard to write 
So my Wednesday didn't end the way I wanted. I was at work for an hour and started feeling cramps (this is after my boss told me she knocked back my maternity leave and then told me not to do birthing classes) I went to the toilet I had some light pink blood when I whipped so I went home and get an ambulance to hospital. When I was checked into midwifery they checked my cirvix it was starting to open. So from there I was transferred from my hospital to the Royal Women hospital by air ambulance (my first airplane flight)
My waters broke in the last 10mn of flight and i believe I wee myself to. 
So I got to hospital about midnight and had nurses and doctors prodding and poking me and a lot of drugs and cirvix checks, my contractions slowed and became next to nothing by Thursday morning, they did an ultrasound and found next to no fluid around our little boy but still got a heartbeat. During the day I started to feel lest movement from him and my contractions started up again. He was in the head down position all day. About 5pm Thursday they couldn't find a heartbeat on the monitor so did another ultrasound and found our little boy had passed away. By the time I was be inducted with the cirvix tablets it was 8.30pm and our little boy wan still born around 9.20pm.