Appointment went normal.


Best way to state it. Lol. The doctor i was supposed to see was at the hospital (they were having a bad morning in mayernity 🙁) so i got to see someone different. Not a big deal to me. My blood pressure was very high for me, but still in range for normal people. My blood pressure usually runs arbout 112/67 or so. In pain i may be in the 120's. Today, i was 132/79! Not good to me, or to my hubby, since in 8 years we can count on one hand when i have been in the 120's, let alone 130's. I am hoping it is because i was so out of breath the whole way there, so it may have raised my blood pressure.

My weight was down to 177 lbs. 7 lbs down since my appointment 4 weeks ago. I was asked if i was really sick again (hg in previous pregnancies) explained i wasn't really sick at all, and that i was eating a lot of junkish food. So they are going to watch it, and want me to notify if i get really sick again.

Baby's heartbeat was about 154. Which made me laugh, my last boy was usually upper 160's to 170's. I know my 2 boys before hand, had a nice range from 150's and up.

My panorma results were not to the office yet. 😣 humph. So i am more than likely going to call by 1pm tomorrow if they have not called me, Natera (company who handles the testing and results) said they would be ready by tomorrow. If not, i will have to wait some more. I'm anxious and want results dang it. Hubby does too.