In reference to I might be out

Ok so I have decided that the cb digi weeks is fos. Been freaking out that my hcg is dropping because it has changed. But took my last in just now and it's 3+. I'm just going to trust my body and dr from now on
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Posted at
Those tests are garbage! I'm so glad that you are feeling better & more relaxed. Good luck to you!!


Posted at
How many did you take that said 2-3 weeks?? I'm in the same boat :( last Friday it was 3+ and today it was 2-3.. 


Posted at
5w3d. I would definitely not base it off those tests.  Ugh what a roller coaster today. I even told my hubby we probably won't be pregnant for much longer causing worry for him too


Ali • Feb 28, 2015
I have a son from a previous marriage. Whose 7. I am just always panicked. We will have to keep in touch. :)


Megan • Feb 28, 2015
It is so stressful! We have one son but have had two mc since then and it's been such a roller coaster! Really hoping this is our rainbow baby for both of us! Monday can't come soon enough so I can have another blood draw to check in with where I'm at!


Posted at
So glad you got your 3+! I want to take another one tomorrow morning and hopefully get mine! How far along are you today? Sorry if U already answered that..