my birth story

So this is 2 months late. But I've only just come back on this site! Anyway here goes 
On the 16th of Feb I had aches and
Pains all over just thought I had a bug I was due the 23rd my dog and cat was following me around all day and it was driving me nuts.. at 8pm I started feeling cramps and they was getting worse I went to hospital and they said I was 3cm and sent me
Home and I wasn't in that much pain just thought it was nothing didn't realise I was 3cm and the nurse told
My partner that I'll probably be back the next day! Anyway on the 17th Feb between 2-5 my contractions was getting really bad I woke partner up and headed to hospital and I was only 4cm they found me a room and I was in so much pain I asked for the epidural they checked me a hour
Later I was still stuck at 4 for around 4 hours so I had the hormonal drip.. suddenly I start feeling like I needed to poo my midwife said it was the baby's head because it was so low I said no seriously I'm going to poo myself do you have any air freshener 😂 she only checked me half an hour before that I was still at 4! She checked again and was
Shocked I was at 10 already I started pushing and 15 minuites later he was out! Little Luis was 7.11 and had his eyes wide open :£