Exclusively pumping?


So, I reach my halfway point tomorrow and am now more than ever really thinking about my life with a baby. I've talked with my HR dept and I will have 6 or 8 weeks of unpaid leave (except whatever sick or vacation time I have then), depending on if I give birth naturally or C-section. Being as that it is unpaid and I am single, I'll be needing to return to work basically as soon as I can get nugget into daycare.

As such, I'll have probably 6 weeks at home with him to establish some kind of routine. I'm wondering if it might not be a bad idea to just exclusively pump and get him used to bottle feeding early. I'm going to try to keep up my milk production as long as possible but other moms I've talked to who went back to work early had the problem of their supply drying up. I feel like maybe if pumping is the routine from jump, maybe it won't be so bad?

Have any other moms tried this route with any success? I want to give him the benefits of breastmilk as long as possible, but I know in the end, fed is best. If I have to switch to formula after I go back to work, or supplementing at least, I will. But I'd like to hold off as long as I can.
