No symptoms of pregnancy

Is it normal to not have any symptoms? I wasn't always on time but being late didn't concern me, I've had a few times that I was over 2-3 weeks late with my period with symptoms of pregnancy and I wasn't pregnant, so I kind of figured that's what was happening this time because I had no symptoms. I had went to my ob for my yearly pap and stuff and I had just ovulated she said, which would have put me starting my period later, which made sense. That was Jan 26, I had in related blood work done on Jan 31, and nothing came back stating I was pregnant. I had decided to test because the only thing that was off was I had off and on cramps for a week before testing. I always get cramps real bad the day before I start and that's never changed. To this day I am 13 weeks, I still have no feeling of being pregnant. Some morning sickness but its so far in between that if I didn't know I was pregnant, I wouldn't even put them together. Is this normal? I'm a first time mom and my next appointment is Tuesday the 25 but I just wanna know I'm not alone. My boobs aren't even sore. 😭😭😭 I just wanna actually experience being pregnant.