Have you ever felt this way?

If so, what ended up happening? Share your story to help women like me. Here it goes - I have always wanted to be a Mom and raise a large family. Up until recently I've wanted 4-6 kids. Both of my parents come from very large families - my dad had 12 siblings and my mom had 8. I struggled with infertility but finally succeeded at becoming pregnant last year and I gave birth to our beautiful daughter January 5th, 2017. My pregnancy had many complications and I ended up being admitted to the hospital twice and even had an ambulance ride to a better equipped NICU. Fortunately they were able to stop contractions and I was able to make it to 39 weeks until they induced me due to low amniotic fluid. Are we ever so blessed to have this family! However, I just can't bring myself to want anymore children and I feel pretty guilty about it. I don't know if it was the difficult pregnancy, scary labor, or the fact that my daughter is simply a more difficult baby. What I mean by that is this: I'm breastfeeding and she has had many tummy problems and it makes me feel horrible because she's pretty colicky. We've tried everything. Most days I can barely put her down to eat. Basically I feel that I try so hard and end up nowhere some days. How is it I tried so hard to be do healthy during and after my pregnancy and my little one has so many problems that I can't help as a mother, yet my friend smoked and drank during and after hers and never took a prenatal and she never had one complication and her baby literally never cried. It makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. Or is the reason I'm feeling this way about expanding my famikt further due to postpartum depression? Or is it common? I feel like I wasn't made for this afterall and that breaks my heart.

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