Should I push it?


At what point do you become an animal hoarder? My household has seven cats. This wasn't intentional. My godparents had two cats, I had one, and when I moved out (and miscarried) I decided to get a kitten with my boyfriend, but the kitten I got had an infection in it's blood and died the same day I got it (We knew it was sick and were hoping that since it's mother stopped feeding it some formula feeding and one on one care would help). When that kitten passed away my godparents, whom we had asked for help from when we tried saving the kitten, got really depressed and ended up adopting two special needs kittens (I forget what the actual disorder they have is, but the internet calls them wobbly cats).

At this point I, between losing a baby and a kitten, I thought I was cursed, but my boyfriend convinced me to try again with a kitten and we got a perfectly healthy boy kitty who got really attached to me and is now my best friend. So now we're at one house with 4 cats, and one with 2.

So then my cousin decides to get a kitten even though her roommates said no, her apartments won't allow it, and she can't afford it. The kitten ended up staying with my godparents "until we can find her a new home", and bonded with everyone in the house including the other pets.

Then my boyfriend and I get pregnant with triplets. Our one bedroom apartment was not going to be big enough for two adults, three babies, and my boyfriends daughter who visits every weekend, and I've needed a lot of extra care this pregnancy, so we moved in with my godparents so I can be taken care of and we can save money for a house.

Now we're here, 7 cats, but I feel it is important to mention that the house is clean (minus my bedroom which I haven't been able to work on since bedrest happened), all of our pets get regular vet care, and are spayed/neutered. We never have any flees or mites, and none of the pets show signs of being stressed. They all get a ton of attention, and we feed them super healthy food.

So my boyfriends friends cat just had a litter of kittens, and every time we visit the same kitten follows me around and cuddles up to me to sleep. It's the sweetest thing, and apparently she only does this to me. In three weeks she'll be old enough to leave her mama, and I really want to take her home.

My boyfriend says I can't have a kitten until we move into our own place, but I don't want just any old kitten, I want THAT kitten. I don't know, maybe the hormones are making me too emotional, but I feel like we have a connection with each other.