Is this PPD?

The past week I've been very testy and quick to anger. I feel very alone. I tell people I'm not happy and I feel like no one listens, they just brush me off and the world keeps on spinning. I tell my husband these feelings and I don't know if he takes me seriously. 
I really hate my job, but I know I can't make the money that I'm making anywhere else, and we have very high car payments that have to be paid. He just bought a brand new car and it's outrageous what we have to pay monthly on it. I didn't want the new car, but he begged and begged for days and I finally gave in against my better judgement.
Life is just hard right now. We're trying to sell our house and not getting anywhere with that. We're living in his parents basement and I hate that too. I hate being around his family constantly and listening to them argue and fight all the time. I just want my own home with my own family. 
I work with my MIL and she can be a real bitch sometimes. I try really hard at my job and she's very condescending and saying all the time how terrible our sales numbers are and how much we're losing. My husband also works there and doesn't get home until sometimes past 9 at night, so the only place we really see each other is at work. He comes home and immediately just watches YouTube videos on his phone or browses the internet, not really tuning in to anything I really say. 
Maybe I'm just stressed. Maybe I'm just having some pms, I don't know. Maybe the stress of my job is getting to me. But I'm very sad.  The only thing that brings me joy is my little girl. I just wish people saw how much I hurt. I try and explain it and my husband thinks I'm overreacting. I don't want to try and talk to anyone anymore. None of them understand, and I don't even know how to explain myself. Not really sure what to do anymore. I'm four months post partum, could PPD hit this late? I hate feeling this way.