Sex after baby

I had my baby in December and my husband and I have only had sex twice 😔 and it was pretty limited sex. I find sex to be so painful now; I feel so bad for my husband because he can't go in all the way because I feel extremely tight and he doesn't want to hurt me. This was never a problem before we had the baby.  I did have a pretty rough labor... baby was sunny side up and had to be suctioned out after 1.5 hours of non-stop pushing (he flipped to face the correct way as he came out). I ripped pretty bad considering we had to use the suction so I had a decent amount of stitching done. I also had a lot of blood loss after birth so after the initial stitching my doctor went back and did a bit more. Does anyone else have or had this problem and is there anything that helped? I know sex will not be the same as before baby, but I don't want to dread having sex