hardest thing I did today was...

Lovemylife • Mom to two awesome girls. 1 MC. Had my rainbow baby boy 6/5/2017!!!! So in love 😍
Shave. Arm pits wasn't bad. Legs was hard to reach and baby wasn't happy with being squished to get the job done but it's done. No harm no foul. Onto the lady bits. That was a horrible idea. I can't see it. I thought I could just lift belly out of way a little bit. Nope he wasn't having it. I thought let's touch and feel. Go slow and this will work. Well it's for the most part shaved but holy hell I cut myself. Ouch. Never have I ever cut myself there. No fun at all. N I realized just how swollen my lady bits are. I'm almost 33 weeks and I may throw in the towel and let nature take over. I don't think I'll b doing that again. Lol.