Birth story !

So I love to tell people my birth story because it's amazing to me. My due date was Dec 9 2016. On the night of friday Nov 25th I went to the hospital due to severe pain but was sent home and told I was going to make it to my due date for sure! The next night I was in pain again but serious contraction had started at about 10pm but were 5 minutes apart. The hospital said to call if I felt pain again not to go in. I called and was told to lay in a bath of hot water so I did for about 45 minutes until I realized it wasn't making me feel any better by then it was already 4 am Sunday morning. The contractions were closer but we still refused to go to the hospital if we were going to be sent home a third time. 5:45 am we called the ambulance I just couldn't take it anymore. We rolled in to the ER and I felt something come out I told the nurse and whatever it was that came out made them rush me into the delivery room. No epidural, no prep just push with all your might. We arrived to the hospital at 6:15 am and my beautiful daughter was born at 6:36am ❤️