Bed rest already

I'm 16 weeks and on bed rest already. My water broke a little bit (well more then a little) and I was having contractions. Went into the ER and found out I was in preterm labor. After being there for almost 9 hours, they managed to stop me from having my little girl. I'll be on bed rest until further notice. I never thought that you could go into preterm labor at 16 weeks. Thankful my baby is safe for now and I don't have to tell her dad that she died while he's gone at basic training. He would probably quit and come home which I can't let happen. Please pray for us if you can. This isn't the first problem I've had in my pregnancy. Always go to the ER if you aren't sure about something in your pregnancy (like bleeding, pain, etc...). If I wouldn't have gone in, my daughter would be dead right now.