betas are cool pets

I'm not much of a pet person 
But I posted about a beta fish at my work that literally nobody was taking care of until the bowl got so dirty you couldn't see the fish. I wasn't even aware there was a fish until someone was talking about how they cleaned it. And I posted on here and y'all were like "take it home" and I told everyone that if nobody took care of it that it was mine. Nobody would, so I took the little fish dude home. I took him out of that crap bowl he was in and put him in a jar and in my cup holder In my car and just drove home lol 
I put him in this gallon bowl thing and he's freaking cool. Every time I walk near him he freaks out like he's happy to see me because he knows he's getting food. His color went from like gray/bluish to like a cool blue/purple color. He follows my finger when I touch the bowl. I thought beta fish were boring and he's active and plays in his  plants.  At first he didn't move much and would hide from me. 
Now little dude has the good life. Went and Got a heater for the tank. I love my fish lol I'm so weird. 
I named him homeslice lolol It's cool seeing his color change and his fins look better. His fins looked broken off and now they're bigger.