First time IVF

Katie • Married, 34 and TTC 👶🏻 #2. First IVF cycle with ICSI Aug/Sept 2017 and was successful first time, giving us our gorgeous daughter. 💖🙏🏻
Hi ladies! I'm 32 and my hubby and I have been ttc for baby #1 for 2 years. Had consultation yesterday and was told that our next step is scan for me and sperm sample to determine if we are to have basic <a href="">ivf</a> or ICSI (hubby has a low count). They found a cyst on my ovary during my first scan (had blood tests and checks & it's nothing nasty) and so need to see if they can do the <a href="">ivf</a> without removing it or not. Worried it'll delay us even further if I have to get that removed first! 
I'm an absolute wuss when it comes to pain and also very faint when it comes to needles, so hearing about egg extraction, daily injections, etc has got me feeling a little nervous! I know I'll get through it, as it will all be worth it if it means that we get to be parents. But any advice you can give me based on your experience would be great!
Thanks in advance xx