He complains about sex

So me and my bf got into an argument. Out of no where he says " Your always grabbing my 🍆" 😳 I'm like wtf does that mean. He's like you always want more and more and more....😳 Then I'm like okay...so am I not suppose to have sex with you? Am I not suppose to be sexually attracted to you? That shit threw me for a loop. So since the argument we have had sex a few times.  And afterwards I told him I was not trying to have sex with him and only reason I did it was because he wanted to at the time. Then he gets mad cause I'm not into it. I told well you was complaining. Making me sound like I be trying to rape you so...I just haven't been into it. So I just lay there. No moaning no interaction nothing. I have a high sex drive but I'm not cheater. But that shit was like a kill switch. It still has me like😳🤔....