We named her Eloise Maebelle

Eloise Maebelle, which means "Famous in War". We thought it was appropriate considering the climate she is being born into for women- we had no idea how much more meaningful it would be after the birth we endured! She is a fighter and a warrior like her mama. ❤️ 
After 75 hours of labor PLUS 7 hours of pushing with ZERO pain medications: 
*Born 7:53 pm on Friday, April 7 (13 days past her due date) 
*7lbs 9oz (two weeks later she is already almost 9 lbs!) 
*21 inches long 
*Scored a 9 on the Apgar! 
*Came out sunny-side-up with her extra long cord wrapped twice and a half around her belly 
*Perfect as can be!