Do you have extra scar tissue?

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼
Okay so I really don't mean for this to be offensive but I am white and have extra scar tissue (I'll post a photo down the bottom). The doctors informed me of this as if I ever had a scar on my face I would be eligiable for surgery. The doctors also informed me that it is very very rare in white people and is more seen in POC. So if you are a POC and have extra scar tissue vote yes POC or no POC! I'm just interested to see whether what they told me was true! 
This is my arm, you can see where it's meant to be a small line but is now fat: 
Key hole surgery scar: 
Also would like to point out I had stitches in all and the doctors said they thought it was healing properly but it just started generating the extra scar tissue! 
Thank you! 

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