so stressed, bad financial situation 35 weeks pregnant😑😑😑

So I'm 21, boyfriend is 24, moved into a flat together over a year ago.
Both worked full time, paid every bill, had luxuries etc.
Now I'm 35 weeks pregnant, just gone on maternity leave, he lost his job through no fault of his own, he is looking for work.
My bills a month are £750
I'm getting £600 this month.
I can't afford to pay bills or eat, I still need things for the baby and for myself for the hospital, we need taxi money to get to the hospital etc.
My boyfriend isn't entitled to jsa or anything f like that because apparently I'm getting enough money, how!?
I'm so upset, I've got chest pains I'm that stressed, I'm trying to enjoy my last few weeks being pregnant but even now I'm starting to regret the baby🙁🙁