
For so many years, I've experienced PMS, and cramping at it's finest during my times of the month. Last month, I couldn't take it anymore! I was very emotional, in pain but most importantly disturbed. On day one, I missed class, I started to get ready, then I felt a lot of pain. I knew exactly what it was (Aunt Flo) after that I just curled back into my bed. And wailed! No tylenol, Advil or midol helped. My mother would give me an 800 to ease the pain(but it made me nauseous and sleepy) but on this day she had taken it with her to work. I had gone all day without eating, I just cried and cried. Eventually I called my doctors office, and asked if there was anything I could do. They put in a prescription for me at the nearest pharmacy(only it took 2 1/2 days for it to be delivered, they didn't have it in stock). By then my mother arrived home @7pm the pain started @6am! I took the 800 ate dinner and was on my way to sleep. I have now been taking my prescription ponstel for 3 days. Today is day one of my cycle. I can say, WHAT A RELIEF!!!! At the sight of cramping, I take my meds, it lasts about 6-7 hours and I take another before bed. I can say, ponstel is amazing. I've done my research and I'm so happy. Little to no side effects for me! I'm in love. It is designed for menstrual cramping 💕 feel free to ask any questions about ponstel in the comments section! I'll be more than happy to answer them!