twin pregnancy

 At 21 weeks my amniotic fluid ruptured for twin A 😞. 2 weeks later go to the hospital and I'm 3cm dialated so I needed to b admitted. I prayed for my twins. But 4 days after being admitted I gave birth to twin A who I named Camron. He was born at 23w 4d he is in the nicu currently stable. I'm still pregnant with twin B still. It's been 5 days since I had Camron and no signs of labor. His brother is doing good inside my belly and hope he can hold on to as close to my due date as possible. It's been a roller coaster. Didn't think I would have my twins so far apart. But I haven't lost hope through out all of this and I continue to pray for both my babies. Thought I might share my story incase someone else is going through something similar. Here is a picture of my little fighter Camron ❤️️