how to get rid of rough hands

Im a girl but I have very rough hands and I HATE it. I hate shaking peoples hands because I worry about them thinking about my hands being so rough also I don't like my boyfriend touching my hands because it's really embarrassing. Obviously he's felt it & he said he don't care and that he likes my hands but stilllll... his hands are way softer than mine & imagine when I'm giving him hand jobs he would probably prefer doing it himself... hmm.. I just really want softer hands I've tried so much things and still my hands are rough like sand paper ☹️:( . 
And please don't tell me to moisturise because trust me it does not help. The skin just stays rough. Am actually so tempted to get a knife and start scratching off the top layer of skin because I'm so fed up of having rough dry hands. I've tried exfoliating, sleeping with lotion on my Hands with a sock covering them, wearing gloves, soaking.... Help?