
I know this may be rude to say but my mother is dumb as hell. She's literally a hypocrite. She tells me all the time: move on from your ex, find somebody else. But yet she says every week she's done with her ex and there she is having sex with him again. And he always had sick thoughts about me even when i was a minor. I may be an adult now, but he still has acted like he wants me. Referring to a threesome with my mother right there. She told me he's "joking." Please. Save it. He's in his mid late 50s and he's a freaking weirdo. Always telling me i look damn good. She even gave him my new number. I honestly feel bad for her that she stoops so low and lets her ex use her, knowing he has sexual disgusting thoughts about her daughter. She says i take her ex too seriously. She's delusional. All i do is keep my mouth shut