Any mommas just pumping then bottle feeding?

Carina • 25 years young. baby #1 born April 11th 2017❤️
My bubs is almost 2 weeks old.. He's had a very difficult time latching from the very beginning. So at first, I was breastfeeding and bottle feeding while my nipples were healing from being cracked and bloody. When my nipples healed, I was only breast feeding. We've even seen a lactation consultant twice! During the days I was only breastfeeding, he was sleeping horribly and was extremely unhappy. His whole schedule was thrown off and he was constantly hungry. Since his latch isn't great he wasn't getting the same about of milk he was getting with the bottle. Yesterday my SO and I tested it and only pumped and bottle feed... He went back to his regular schedule, slept happily, and wasn't hungry. I was able to control how many oz he ate and it felt great. I feel bad that he can't latch to have the full experience, but I think this is how it's going to have to be so him and momma are happy😞 Any one else just pumping their breast milk and bottle feeding?