Am I a bad girlfriend for doing this?

So backstory, my boyfriend and I have been dating for a year now and he watches porn. I didn't like it and it made me feel very insecure so I tried to get him to stop but he always kept relapsing. Now I understand that there are couples that are okay with their S/O getting off to porn, which is fine but it's just something that I'm not comfortable with. It makes me feel like I'm not good enough for him to get off too so he has to virtually have sex with other girls in his head. So I cut him off sexually. I told him that we can't do anything else except for kissing, cuddling, or hugging etc. I told him this is because 
1) I don't want to be seen in the same way as he sees those girls on the internet because I want to be respected more than that 
2) It also sort of kills my libido and doesn't make me feel sexy with him in bed 
Because there have to be boundaries/compromises. I have always been on the short end of our relationship and do so much for him without getting much in return. And I'm not even complaining about that, it's just one thing I asked him to do for me which he couldn't do cuz so get it (all men are like that, they need to watch porn bla bla, in my defense, I do know a guy who doesn't watch it), anyways all I'm asking is do you guys think I'm going too far by doing this?