Lets talk about sleep

Okay, since we're all getting to that magical place that lands somewhere between 3-4 months where our babies are "expected" to be taught how to sleep well and begin self soothing techniques I would like to hear from other moms. 
I've done so much reading on baby sleep and things you are and aren't supposed to do. I was in this Facebook group but it was so intense and scary to me that even the other moms posts gave me high anxiety. (Like their 15-17 month olds still co sleeping and waking 10 times a night). I don't judge other parents, it just gave me unnecessary anxiety about the future and my child's sleep patterns. 
Let me start off by giving you a view of our situation. Daughter is 13 weeks, has ALWAYS needed to nurse to sleep. I have been able to put her to sleep drowsy but awake probably 3 times in her existence. If she wakes, she roots to suck. Does not take a pacifier (we have purchased 10 different kinds). Her naps suck, she wakes up either 10 or 30 minutes in to them. Randomly we can get a 2 hour nap out of her but there's no telling when that's gonna happen. She really has no day time routine other than staying awake for 1.5 hours max. But most of the time her naps are so disturbed that we spend hours on end trying to get her to sleep because she's crying from still being so tired. Today this lasted from 10:30am till 3pm when she finally decided she wasn't too pissed off to interact. Night time we have a routine- bath, book, swaddle and then nurse to sleep. If swaddled in the miracle blanket she will sleep 7-9 hours. So needless to say, I'm not complaining. I'm also realistic in the fact that this night time sleeping could drastically change once one of the dreaded sleep regressions hit us. 
Things I want to accomplish: better nap schedule and being able to nap in her crib VS being held. 
What are yalls sleeping situations like as of now? Looking forward to hearing. 
Pic of my sweet baby girl when daddy was in charge of watching her 😉