Family, marijuana, drama!*UPDATE

K • momma bear and wifey ;)

Okay so....Back story- my nephew is 18. We have always been close and he's always been more like a brother to me . He has smoked weed with my husband and I before. He came to us and asked if he could . It's been a few months back. But anyway, the other night him and his girlfriend came over to our new house to see it. While they were looking at the house, my husband and I stepped into the garage and smoked a little bit. We came back in the living room and then we left and went back to my parents. This was on Easter (last weekend). Now today, I go to my mom's house to drop my daughter off (we NEVER smoke in front of her). My mom tells me that I don't need to be smoking in front of her grand kids. Turns out, that night, he went home and told his mom (my sister) that he is worried about his little brother spending time with my husband and me because we smoke weed. He is 11 and we take him to the mall sometimes and hangout with him. What he said got back to my mom and then I found out. I find it odd that he would say something like that. He backed me into a corner bc his mom has this picture in her head that I'm irresponsible and am "doing drugs " around her children. When I would never do that in front of a child and I certainly would never do it in front of anyone who was uncomfortable with it. I told his mom the truth that he has smoked with us before.. did I do the right thing? He has a history of lying...his gf and him just got back together a few months ago. He told me one story about why he broke up with her and he told everyone else in my family that the reason why he went back to her is bc she's not one of those girls who just wants to have sex..And all these other girls do. Which is so odd to me because his gf and him have sex. A lot!!! I can't believe he would throw me under the bus like that. Yes I smoke weed from time to time but no that doesn't make me a bad mother. I guess it makes me a bad aunt. I don't know.. I'm hurt by this. Anyone elses view would be appreciated

When I told his mom the truth, she told me I'm black mailing her son. She said she doesnt want her kids around it . I'm a bad aunt . No good aunt would ever bring her nephew's around it . Her kids aren't allowed to be around me anymore bc..You can't hang around a dog and not catch fleas! Basically my husband and I are infested dogs with fleas bc we smoke...Guess it's time to cut ties with them.