best friend baby problems

Paige • 14 years old I'm a company dancer at DT iv been a dancer for 11 years and a model for 3
I kinda mad so my friend raven is 13 years old and she already have two twin baby girls named Halia and Emma her girls are already 6 month old and she got kicked out of her house bc her parents where mad so she likes her Nona ( grandma ) and she just called me and she's pregnant again like what school she do it's to late for a aborchon and I'm honestly don't agree with Those do u think she should get something dose after she have this baby so she can't have kids bc she's no t even 14 yet and has 3 baby's what should she do her your tube is raven Todd if u want to watch some of her videos someone please leave advice for her she is with me btw