Total noob with questions

Danielle • Currently TTC #3 with my soulmate 😍😍😍
This is both my and my husband's first time TTC. We started two weeks ago, I ovulated last Thursday and started my TWW Friday. For the past week and a half I've been taking prenatals and extra vitamins since my thyroid blood work came back low in Vitamins D and B12 (I have congenital hypothyroidism) and increased one of my thyroid dosages. Sooo back to the original topic. Since Friday, I've had sore boobs and headaches. Today I started light cramping and a spot of blood. It's way too early to determine anything right? I'm trying not to psych myself out and get too excited because I don't want to put any extra stress on my body. I never have these kinda symptoms until the day before AF, which for me is due mid next week. Thoughts as to what could be causing symptoms this early?