SUPER long rant that other working and breastfeeding mommies might relate to.


So I'm a part time optician(was full time before coming back from maternity leave) in the vision center at Walmart and I came back from my maternity leave at 10 weeks(Walmart has a shitty maternity leave, full time employees get only 6 weeks at 50% of the normal salary, and the other 4 weeks were unpaid, but that's another rant for another time lol) When I came back I told my manager that I would need to be able to pump during my breaks, so I had to ask around where in the store I would be able to do this, since apparently there is a law stating if a company has so many employees they require a room with an outlet so a new mother can pump. Well it took 5-6 different members of management and personnel to figure out where the heck I was supposed to go. At first they said oh maybe the family restroom, then one of them said no that's not right how about the fitting rooms to which I said I needed somewhere with an outlet. Finally one of the ladies in personnel remembered there was a room that was technically for bf mothers and let me tell you 😑😑😑it was awful!! Concrete walls and floors with no drywall or paint. The outlet wasn't even in the wall, it was just an open outlet sitting on a bar. No A/C vents. Spider webs and dust everywhere. No table, just a chair in the middle. It was literally a dungeon ffs!! I was like "are you guys serious?!" One of them offered for me to use their meeting room when others weren't using it, but that would mean I would be taking up their space and what if they needed to use it when I'm already in there? They said only 3 people have the keys to that room: personnel(2ladies), the co-manager(man), and the store manager(man), which makes me a little uncomfortable knowing that any of them may unlock the door and walk in at any time not knowing I'm in there. Well after all that, my manager in the vision center finally told me I could use her office to pump, but at that time I was only working short shifts 2-8. So I would only get one paid 15 min break to pump around 5pm which was fine because no one else used her office around that time. But last week she told me I can't do the short shifts anymore because I have to be there earlier to cover other people lunches, so I had no choice but to work longer shifts now, (which is what I wanted to avoid when I came back because I don't want to be away from my baby that long, but again another rant for another day). So this week she changed my schedule and I now have to take a lunch break and a short break. So yesterday was my first long shift day, I asked her around 3pm if I could take my lunch break a little earlier (30mins early) and to pump in her office, to which she responded with attitude "well I haven't even had my lunch break yet" Mind you it was her own fault she didn't go to lunch on time, she was over an hour late!! So then when she went on lunch she uses her office to eat lunch so I was like I guess I'm not using her office then? Why she couldn't use the breakroom or Subway to eat is beyond me, but I had no choice but to use the "meeting room" in the back of the store. I go back there and sure enough they are about to have a meeting back there. So what am I supposed to do? One of the personnel ladies had to kick everyone who was on computers doing their CBLs(Walmart's learning lessons) out of the training room just so I could pump. I just felt like a complete nuisance to everyone! I called my husband on the phone and cried the whole time I was pumping😢. It's not fair that everyone nowadays says to breastfeed and pump for your baby because it's the best thing for them and yet when I try it's like asking for the impossible. One of the only stipulations about me coming back to work was that I would be able to pump and here we are, still struggling to find time and a place for me to pump. My manager knew I needed to use her office and yet she makes me feel like total shit about asking to go 30 mins early and then doesn't even let me use her office because she's eating in there. And then personnel tries to help but they have to go out of their way just to find me a room. It's completely ridiculous, I'm so frustrated and I'm honestly debating whether to even continue pumping anymore. It's no wonder working mommies quit breastfeeding/pumping when they go back. I'm so sorry if you all had to read this huge long rant, I just assumed there might be others struggling with similar issues; I hope I'm not alone anyways:( I really don't want to stop breastfeeding and pumping but it's becoming so difficult 😞