keeping my MIL away from baby ! right or wrong?

I need help !! In January my husband and his mother and sister got in a huge fight because my MIL owns a pizza place and he worked for her but she didn't want to pay him. They expected him to work for free! 
They only paid him 49 dollars and he was fine with it. Later that same night the fight escalated rather quickly and they brought me and my unborn son at the time into it. His mother said how she wasn't even sure if the baby was my husbands and his sister said that she hoped me and the baby would die in labor. My husband came home crying to me that he was done with his family and he wanted nothing to do with them. Well at the end of February I gave birth a month early due to preeclampsia & my family was there but he didn't even tell his family that we had the baby. He wasn't speaking to them. Well now he has forgiven and talks to his mother. I feel bad for keeping her out of his life even though they crossed a line. I don't know what I should do and I stress about it constantly. M son is now 2 months old and they have never met him. My husband just wants his mom to meet him. What should I do. Am I overreacting? I constantly think about it. I know it's killing my husband because that's the only person he has in his life.