So confused.


So we have been ttc for 10 months. I have never been pregnant before, i am 27. This month we amped up the game. I used opk, the CBDA. I also decided to use preeseed for the first time this month. I got my first high day 2/14 and peak day 2/18, we did it every day 14-20 using preeseed. Starting last week i was fatigued and really tender nipples (which I never get). Then yesterday I started with some super light spotting like a dark yellow to salmon color and had this terrible dizzy spell (which I also never get). Reading this implementation calendar thing it said based off of day of ovulation likely time i would experience implantation symptoms. So needless to say i got very excited. Still didn't test yet wanted to wait till the 7th.

Well today i got a little sad because while my spotting is still super light, i noticed a a small blood clot in the toilet bowl every time I peed today. Whipping wise nothing but in the bowl tiny spec.

So my question is, is it likely this is not implementation bleeding now and just early spotting of my period. Or is there still a chance?

I included some pictures of my chart. Any advice is appreciated.