possible appendix trouble?

I went to the ER on Monday due to some pain in my cervix. The ER didn't even see me, they immediately sent me up to L&D to be examined, just to be safe. Turns out I was just having some pretty bad round ligament pain, and baby girl was kicking down on my cervix. Luckily we were both healthy though. 
That night after I left I started having dull pains in my belly that I thought was just from being strapped in so tightly for over an hour while they monitored baby. I woke up that next morning and the pain has moved from all over my belly to mainly my right side and occasionally the left. It hurts sometimes when I move, sometimes when I pee, and sometimes when I lay on my side. The pain isn't constant or severe, and baby girl is still moving and her heart rate is staying around 155. I'm just wondering what you guys think it could be? I'm worried it's my appendix, but I'm not running a fever, nauseous, and the area isn't sore to touch. 
I also have a cyst on my right ovary which is smaller than a dime, maybe that's it. Idk. I'm nervous but don't know if it's worth going in over as the pain isn't bad or constant.
This is generally where the pain is.