25 weeks - TMI

Okay so this is probably a massive TMI story and I feel so embaressed just writing it but Id like to know if anyone has been in the same situation.
My partner and I were doing the deed and he was playing with my boobs (as he does). He put one in his mouth and you can gather the rest. Anyways we finish and as I'm putting my clothes back on he says "Hey babe I want to show you something you probably don't know". Me being an anxious person I thought 'Oh god, what?'. He squeezed my boob and some milk started coming out. I don't know why but I felt a little embarrassed about it all and I guess I was shocked that it's produced this early.
Now when I go for a shower I notice that I have flaky stuff on my nipples.
Has anyone else started producing milk this early on? Also, it's not a lot now but if it's produced already will I need to get things to stop them from leaking? 
I'm a FTM and a very shy, too myself sort of person so I feel like I can't talk to anyone about it. I'm so confused on what to do and what comes next. Any help is greatly appreciated.