Baby is 4 days old and cries unless I'm holding her. She won't sleep in her crib or bassinet.

She'll be asleep in my arms and the moment I put her down, she cries. I just had a c-section and my arms hurt from holding her. Any advice?
Edit: She's hated being swaddled since the day she was born! She hates her arms being confined, so I swaddle her and leave them out. I bought a boppy to help with holding her. She's slept through the night twice! (Except when I woke her to feed, but she instantly went back to sleep in her bassinet.) She still has bad nights, but it's because she's having a lot of stomach trouble. Then, nothing soothes her, not even me holding her. She's doing better with being able to lay her down and such! Sometimes I even lay her in her bassinet when she's awake and she just lays there until she falls asleep! Thank you all for your advice!