I am struggling today.

Ladies. I am struggling today. I just want to be pregnant. I thought this year was going to be the best year of my life, but 4 months in and it's the absolute worst year of my life. 
I had a miscarriage at 11 weeks in January. I had pretty bad bleeding for almost 8 weeks after the d&c needed to clear the pregnancy out. My husband developed a very sudden case of ED after my pretty awful miscarriage experience. We have been struggling with my random bleeding after ovulation and his performance anxiety. We're both seeing therapists. We've both been to the doctor. I likely have a hormonal imbalance. His issue is all psychological. 
My father, an alcoholic, had to go through a medical detox for his addiction a few weeks ago. He was in the hospital 8 days and now he's refusing treatment which is causing havoc for our entire family. 
On top of this I've missed so much time from work due to my miscarriage and dealing with family shit. My job is incredibly stressful (I work in construction) as it is and missing time doesn't make it any easier. 
GAH! Wirhhqjsiksjdbsa! 😤😫😱😢😖
Blah. Sorry. I just needed to vent. I feel so alone in all of this. All I want is to be 7 months pregnant like I should be...