Has anyone ever dealt with or is currently dealing with...

So my husband and I have been trying to conceive actively for about 3 years now, but we had left it to God for about 2 years before actively trying...But anyways, my husband has the lowest sex drive of anyone I've ever been with! Of course it makes me feel self-conscious and we do have a lot of conversations about me feeling unwanted. But the problem is I keep thinking, how will we ever conceive if we aren't having sex very much at all. And it's been like this since we started having sex by the way, it's not a new development...he just says this is the way he's always been, he has never been all about sex (which of course makes me feel a bit off because sex is important to me). So what I'm trying to ask...is this normal? Is any other woman out there dealing with this?! I feel like I'm going crazy here! If you have dealt with this, or have advice or just want to comment...PLEASE DO!!! Thanks in advance!!! 

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