Relationship help

Alright.. Me and my current boyfriend have been together since Halloween of last year, well the first few months was hell... He cheated with 4 other girls 3 of which he was with before he got with me. Needless to say they are all out of the picture now, he has stopped cheating, stopped lying, etc. Well I'm suffering over a few different things and idk what to do... First is I do have some trust in him but not to much, I'm to scared to trust him because he left a girl of 5 years for me without any hesitation, and it worries me that if he finds someone else he will do the same to me so everything we do its together other then work. Second.. we live together and its not that I don't want him here its just that I think we are spending to much time together, we are constantly at each others throats over the littlest things, but I don't wanna spend time apart cause still worried he will find someone else since he found me while with 3 other girls. And some days i think I'll be better off without him then when he goes to leave i miss him and want him to stay. Third.. I get myself so worked up over this stuff that it makes me so depressed and so mad about why I feel like that. And lastly... Lately I have found on his phone he looks up "virgin porn"I understand watching porn is fine.. But just virgin porn makes me feel insecure about myself like I'm not good enough or something. And with finding that he has also started doing new things when we do have sex and it bothers me.. I tried talking to him about all this stuff but he just gets mad and says only I can change it.. Idk what to do. Any suggestions??