walking helps in inducing labor

Well.. It atleast proved for me that walking a lot (arnd 2-3miles) helps in inducing labor. On Saturday-22nd April- i was determined to walk a lot.. so me & my family went to one of the biggest mall of Chicago, at 2pm so that i get to walk somewhere inside, because weather of Chicago is super unpredictable.. I walked almost half the mall & i guess it must be around 2-3 miles (just half).. i got sooo exhausted but still i managed to walk that much.. to my surprise, by night around 9pm, my water broke & we went to hospital immediately.. my labor pain started as soon as I reached hospital.. docs gave me epidural at around 1am & voilaaaaa my baby girl born at 5am.. it was a wonderful journey.. 
so as per my experience, so much of walking helped big time.. Even pineapple juice didn't helped me 😂🤣 But walking did 💃🏻🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️