My baby Saved My Life!

Ready for a miricle story!? So about a month ago I started a new job that I thought was THEE job for me. Just a week before that I found out I was expecting my "Baby Moony"   I was nervous about telling my new job about my situation however found out that it was fine! 
About two weeks into my new gig I found that it was not what I expected. Between the constant walking around and unfavorable working conditions, it was not good. One day of my second week of working, I felt lightheaded and weak. I went to the ER and had an ultrasound done to make sure the baby was ok. We found that the baby was great, but the dr found a tennis ball sized tumor on my right kidney. I had never been sick or even had surgery before so I was completely caught off guard and devastated. After the se explained that it looked like the "C" word, I called my fiancé and mom who both rushed to my side. 
Since then, I have been in and out of the hospital with checking on the baby and preparing for surgery )which is May 3rd, so please send prayers!) The doctors told me that if it wasn't for this baby, we may not have found this tumor in time for removal. Each time my fiancé and I go to the hospital for a check up we meet another blessed soul that reminds us that we are in great hands and how real God is.   
This baby has completely save my life and is a total miricle. Thinking back to when he and I were trying ever mo the then decided to let nature and God choose our path with this being the outcome is something neither one of us could predicted yet we are so grateful for. We are so blessed! Look at our little one praising the Lord from
In the belly!