Having a hard time maintaining friendships...

Nicole • Mom with two boys and another baby on the way.
When I had first started school for nursing I had a lot of friends. I was single and in my early 20's and had a lot of time to spend time cultivating and maintaining friendships. After nursing school (2 year program that was very demanding) I realized I had lost a lot of my friends. (Due to not speaking for a while and just growing apart). Luckily, I had made some friends in nursing school and at the hospital I work at. 
Now, when I met my husband I did the normal "Oh my god, I love this guy and never ever want to not be with him". This way of acting had helped me lose some of the newer friendships I've made since I stopped wanting to go out drinking every weekend and am no longer doing the whole single thing. 
Even more recently my husband and I have started TTC and I feel this has put an even bigger strain on the friendships I still have. (Being in different places in our lives, me married and starting a family while all of my few friends left are single). 
I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else has this kind of "lonely" feeling and nostalgia for when they spent a lot of time with just girl friends. 
My husband is very much my best friend and I have no complaints of hanging out with him all the time, we just work different schedules and I find myself at home alone quite a bit. I also try to reconnect with the friends I do have, but it ALWAYS involves going to a bar which I'm just not that into anymore. 
Anyone else going through similar experience or having similar thoughts: I'm just wondering what you do to cope with the feelings of loneliness.