Twin feeling

Has anyone had a very strong feeling you were having twins? I'm 10 weeks currently. My 6 weeks scan had possibly 2 sacs then 8 weeks had a small sac with one baby but me and my husband can't shake the feeling of there being 2 babies. My obgyn does very quick ultrasounds and said no you would clearly see them already and shakes it off knowing twins run in both our going in at 12 weeks should I know for sure then?
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I had a suspicious feeling. BFP 5 days before missed period. So found out super early, doc wouldn't even see me until 8 weeks, didn't have insurance for visit until 12 weeks. So before I even had my appointment I could tell this wasn't a typical pregnancy. 1. I was was less nauseated than i was with our little girl. 2. What i lacked in nausea I made up for in extreme fatigue. I was way more tired this time than with the one. On the way to our first appointment we joked about the possibility of twins......low and behold!!!


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I had a feeling I was pregnant with twins and at 9 week scan I had 2 sacs and confirmed 2 babies so I think at 12 weeks you'd know! 


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When I went in at 6weeks with bleeding the hospital told me I was having a Miscarriage went to my Ob and clearly saw I was having twins. And they both had healthy heartbeats


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I had a gut feeling. And confirmed it at 7 weeks and 3 days. Not in obs office, they rush and their machines are useless. In a ultrasound clinic ia where we seen 2 heartbeats, 2 sacs. 29 weeks and 3 days now 😊 twin boys.


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Went to my drs at 6 weeks was told 1 baby, went to my drs at 8 weeks still told again one healthy baby, went to my drs again at 10 weeks still told one baby. Went to an ultrasound at the hospital at 13 nearly 14 weeks to be told I was pregnant with twins. Not gut feeling at all I didn't even know 


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I had no idea at all. But we saw two sacks and two little jelly beans at our 8-week scan. :) 


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I had a gut feeling the second I read a positive pregnancy test that I was having twins. I teased my wife about it for a month because it was funny to watch her panic. The night before the first ultrasound I convinced myself that we were just going to see an empty sack--I was so convinced that I was in tears in the waiting room. The tears turned to laughter when we saw two babies on the screen. Best moment of our lives. I've prayed for twins since I was a little girl and my wife is a twin. We are elated!