advise please

Hi everyone, 
I had an ectopic pregnancy last month and was only 1-2 weeks along. I had the laparoscopic surgery to remove. 4 weeks yesterday I am post op and have been randomly testing about 2.5 weeks now. I would like for you guys to look and give me your advice. I don't seem to see them to be getting any fainter..??i was at the level of 65 before having surgery on the 31st of last month. I don't think my levels would stay this constant and not mbe decreased enough to not show on an at home test. I did a blood test Tuesday but I have to wait til next Tuesday to know if they increased or not. I've heard of women being very fertile after these types of situations and me and my husband have been intimate. Dr suspects it to possibly be a new pregnancy or possible something else. Wyt?