Help! Can I fix my mistakes?

The start to my breastfeeding journey was NOT an easy one. When I had my son three weeks ago, I wasn't producing enough colostrum to feed him - my poor baby was starving and I had no idea. The pediatrician advised me to use formula until he was back to a good weight, then try breastfeeding again once my milk had come in. That was all fine and dandy, but when my milK did come in, I got very sick. My own doctor told me no breastfeeding OR pumping until I got better. Well, I'm better now but I'm having such a hard time finding a routine. My mother in law watches the baby most of the time and gives him just formula because she doesn't want to wake me up to breastfeed and my supply is practically nonexistent - maybe 1oz from each boob in 24 hours. I want to build up my supply but I'm wondering - is it too late? My boy is 3 weeks old and at a healthy weight, so I want to see if I can eventually EBF. Any other moms have similar issues?