Intrauterine Insemination

So my fiancé and I have been TTC for about 1 1/2 years with no luck at all. I had been to 2 different obgyns, one saying that I'm still young and have time and the other saying I will have kids. Neither of them had tests done one either one of us. I finally decided it was time to get yet another opinion. I was put on clomid for 1 cycle in hopes that would help me ovulate and result in a positive test, no luck! After that he referred my fiancé  o Boston <a href="">IVF</a> for a semen analysis. The first one came back abnormal so they had to do another one to see if it really was abnormal or if it was just a bad sample. We just got the results back from the 2nd test and unfortunately it was abnormal for shape and motility. They said our best chance of getting pregnant was by  Intrauterine insemination. Definitely not how we planned our journey to parenthood, but I'm glad we finally have an answer. Has anyone else had to go this route and if so, any advice?