breastfeeding in the restroom 😳

Jessie 🌛 • Celine 💕❤️
why do people always want breastfeeding moms to go to the bathroom?
i was at an event and looking for a quiet room to breastfeed in bc i have a nosy baby that unlatches to look at everything and everyone, plus your girl is scared of publicly breastfeeding lol 
so i found a room and a worker asked what i was doing and i said i was in there away from everyone to feed her. she just gave me a look and said 'you know that there's a big stall in the bathroom where youd be more COMFORTABLE feeding her' 🙃🙃🙃 i'm sorry i'm not gonna feed my baby somewhere where it stinks like shit. literally. 
so... i went back out to the public room and breastfed. even though my skin was boiling from nervousness, we did it 🤣🤣