3 weeks pp - milk supply?

So I had my baby girl 3 weeks ago. We had a bad latch at first, which we fixed at about 1 week after seeing a lactation consultant. Prior to seeing the LC I started pumping and bottle feeding because my nipples were in extreme pain, cracked and bleeding a lot. At the time, I was pumping a total of 4-5oz each session. Once we fixed the latch, I started nursing again, and pumping occasionally after a feed to stockpile some milk for when I return to work. But I've noticed that I'm only pumping about 1-1.5 oz total per session. Even if I feed her on my left and then pump on my right, I only get about an ounce. So it makes me wonder if she's only getting about an ounce per feed, and maybe I should be making more? She has plenty of wet & dirty diapers each day. So I know she's getting enough milk. Just wondering if anyone has any insight?