33 weeks 3 days

Had dr appt today. Everything looked good. They said I need to come back in 2 weeks. I will have ultrasound that day to see if baby boy is still breech. They gave me an official date... If I do not go into labor on my own I will be induced or have c section 4/6. Very exciting to have an exact date. I have a feeling I will go into labor on my own before then tho. 4 weeks 5 days to go! I hope everyone else is doing well! 
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Posted at
Great news! Hope you can avoid the c section! But if not, try not to get too anxious. After the first 3 days recovery has been totally fine and better than expected!


Kaylina • Mar 7, 2015
If you have any questions, let me know :)


Kaylina • Mar 7, 2015
Of course, I was terrified of the c section and while it certainly wasn't pleasant, recovery has been much easier.


Stefanie • Mar 7, 2015
Thank you for the comforting words!


Posted at
So glad to hear you and the babies are doing well Stefanie!!! You get to meet your lil ones soon so exciting!


Stefanie • Mar 5, 2015
Thank you!


Posted at
Awesome!!! 4 weeks is a lot of time for the one to get in the right position....hopefully he does!!! 


Stefanie • Mar 4, 2015


Posted at
Congrats, Stephanie. Good luck for th remaining four weeks!


Stefanie • Mar 5, 2015
Haha happens all the time!


Jessica • Mar 5, 2015
*Stefanie. Sorry, stupid autocorrect.


Posted at
Aw so exciting! I'm 31 weeks & at my scan this week babies were weighing a little over 3 pounds each and at the moment both head down but I know that can change at anytime. I feel your excitement as we get closer !! I'm glad things are going well for you & babies are looking good 😊. Did your doctor recommend doing non stress tests? My doctor wants me to start them once a week starting next week ... Not really looking forward to spending so much time at the drs but whatever is best for my babies. 


Stefanie • Mar 4, 2015
No they have not mentioned stress tests. They said at my next appt they would go my group b screening and go over labor and delivery/c section protocol.