when to ttc after a miscarriage

I have had my 4th miscarriage in a row and I am beyond devastated I was only 5 weeks but I had known I was pregnant even before my expected period so it seems to have hit me like a truck, today especially I've been feeling really down and empty and just had that feeling of wanting to vegetate on the sofa and not do anything fortunately enough for me I have a very active toddler so have had minimal time to feel sorry for my self or sit down for that matter of fact which has helped a bit however it's times like this when he's in bed I feel down other half avoids talking about it like it's the Black Plague so I literally have no one to gripe to , my question is when did you feel ready to ttc Again did you use opk and temp straight away or leave it for a bit I've got this burning desire to get pregnant again asap but at the sine time I want to wait due to the heavy loss I have experienced this past year I honestly had such high hopes for this pregnancy so I am beyond devastated but I have faith that it will happen when it's good and ready to happen anyone got any advice in at a loss of where to go what to do