so pi**ed of and so hurt💔

Call me stupid and I know everyone has there own choices and opinions but my so called friend came to see me tonight to talk about what's gone on she is the first person I have opened up to about after having multiple miscarriages and I was just telling her how upset and down I feel about it and how I feel like it's put a strain on my relation ship with the OH she goes on to say "be thankful it happened earlier rather than later and I should be greatful I have a healthy child already" another classic of tonight's comments "atleast you can get pregnant" yeah no shit staying pregnant pretty damn hard though!! .... LIKE SERIOUSLY WTF!! oh to top it off she the proceeds to tell me she had an abortion last week because she's met someone else and this guy didn't want to bring up someone else's baby... needless to say that the conversation didn't end well friendship has gone to shit I had quite a few things to say back which she felt was "out of line" right now I'm angry and hurt because of the crap she came out with she's supposed to be a friend and then to top it off I'm hurt the fact that she chose to end her pregnancy and my stupid messed up body made the choice for me😡😡 I know it sounds stupid but I'm more hurt about this right now than anything I wanted some advice and support instead I got insensitive comments and broken ego 
Think a good cry a bottle of wine and bed will do the trickÂ